29 Oct

After a car accident, the first thing that you must do is get medical assistance. Call 911 to send an ambulance that can take you to a hospital for medical aid. Regardless of minor or major injuries, it is advisable to seek medical aid right away. This is because internal injuries are hard to tell, unless a full medical examination is conducted. Also, due to adrenaline rush (a hormone that blocks pain), you may not feel the pain at once but may experience it later after a few days. So, it is best to seek medical assistance immediately so that your doctor can conduct a proper and full body examination after you’ve been in an accident. Remember that your medical report will serve as a crucial piece of evidence when you decide to file your claim. Car accident lawyers will use your medical report to determine the compensation that you’re eligible to receive.

Here are some important questions that you must ask the medical professional handling your case after you’ve been in a car accident: 

Question#1—What is the Extent and Nature of My Injuries?

There are two reasons to ask this question. Firstly, it will help you understand the severity of your injuries. It will become easier for you to keep up with the recovery process if you’re knowledgeable about your injuries. It will help make the process of recovery smoother and simpler as you’d know what to expect and the time it will take for you to recover. 

Furthermore, this will give you peace of mind and spare you the stress and frustration that you may otherwise have to go through when you have no idea about the type and severity of injuries that you’re dealing with.

Question#2—Will My Injuries Cause Any Future Health Concerns?

Some injuries from a car accident can cause serious health concerns in the long-run or may result in disability as well. Therefore, it makes sense to ask questions regarding your future health concerns. Make sure that you are fully aware of the long-term effects of your injury on your health, well-being and life. By doing so, you’ll be able to seek any possible treatment for it, thereby minimizing the risks in the future. 

Question#3—When Can I Resume Work?

Another crucial question to ask is regarding your recovery and your ability to resume work. After all, a serious car accident may cause severe injuries, thereby confining you to bed for weeks and even months. This can further result in missed days at work and a loss of income. If you’re the sole breadwinner of your family, then lost wages can put you and your family in financial problems.

Therefore, ask them about your recovery time so that you have a clear idea of when you can resume work. If the recovery time is lengthy, make sure to request a written letter from the doctor. This letter can be used as a piece of evidence in your car accident claim, and get you a fair compensation for lost income.

Make sure to hire a seasoned car accident lawyer while your medical treatment is underway. At Shiner Law Group, we have a team of experienced West Palm Beach car accident attorneys who will work with you cohesively at every step of the legal process, ensuring that you get maximum compensation in a timely manner. 

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