05 Sep

Whether you are involved in a fender bender or a head on collision with another vehicle, the accident can leave you with serious injuries. Here are some common types that you can suffer from depending on the severity of the incident:

  1. Cuts and Scrapes

Even if you are involved in a low speed accident, you can still suffer from soft tissue damage when the seat belt cuts into you as you pitch forward. Projectiles such as your purse, house keys or cell phone may come flying at you during the accident and possibly cause a black eye or bruising where they hit.

If you are involved in a high speed car crash, the rearview mirror and sun visor may shatter and rain down glass on you and the car’s occupants. The sharp edges of the falling glass can cut your cheeks and forehead and can also get inside the wounds. Damaged metal framing may also scrape the skin and cause bleeding.

Depending on the severity of the accident, you may need stitches or staples. Minor scrapes and scratches can be cleaned up, disinfected and covered with bandages to prevent infection. While bruises are more difficult to treat, they won’t kill you but you should still apply a cold compress to ease the swelling, discoloration and discomfort.

  1. Fractures

These are the most common injuries that you can sustain during a car accident and ones which Boca Raton car accident lawyers can get you good compensation for. This includes broken fingers and wrists which snap backward during the accident and can also dislocate. Similarly, the bones in your feet and legs can also break if the engine crumples backwards into the dashboard with you right in front of it.

Hip and pelvic fractures are also common in car accidents. These can happen if your body jerks violently from side to side or back and forth during a car crash. The bones in your spine and neck may also shift from their place or break from the force of the impact.

Even if your bones don’t break, they can sustain hairline fractures or chipped pieces can pierce the skin and organs causing internal bleeding. Depending on the severity and location of the fracture, recovery can take weeks or months. If you have to undergo surgery, you may not be able to leave home for a year to allow the stitches and broken bones time to heal. 

  1. Head and Brain Injuries

You can get a concussion if your head bangs off the dashboard or if it whips from side to side violently during a crash. In the latter scenario, your brain will bounce around inside your skull which can lead to chemical imbalances.

The symptoms may manifest later so you may not even know you have a concussion or not. If you get headaches, dizzy, nausea and feel your ears ringing after the accident, get to a doctor immediately!

Whether you have minor or severe injuries after a car accident, hire a car accident attorney to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Our attorneys at Shiner Law Group are available to assist you in any way 24/7.